Clan Ross America

Legal Details

Clan Ross America is a non-profit charitable organization which participates in educational celebrations of our Scottish heritage across the United States and our ancestral home in the highlands of Scotland.
Originally formed in 1975, the volunteer group participates in Scottish Highland Games and Celtic Festivals and helps support 5 heritage sites in Ross-shire Scotland.  The Clan Ross Association of the United States and the Clan Ross Foundation were reorganized in 2014 and are now a single 501c3 charitable organization; Clan Ross America.  This is the result of the choice to merge CRAUS and the Clan Ross Foundation.  The Foundation is now called Clan Ross America, while the CRAUS is no longer in existence.
The focus of CRAmerica has been invigorated and expanded to support both Scottish cultural programs and activities that educate about our Clan Ross heritage.  Participation in our activities is eagerly welcomed.  Membership fees and any cash or in-kind donations should be tax deductible (consult your tax advisor).
Elections are held every 2 years to seat the new Board for 2-year terms.  Membership is open to everyone interested in celebrating Clan Ross heritage.
The organization has a President and Board, Bylaws, procedural policies in support of Articles of Incorporation as a 501c3 non-profit.  CRAmerica officers are elected and volunteer to serve the membership’s efforts to further the  goals of the Clan.
Members and their children are eligible to apply for grants and scholarships which help defray their costs of participating in Scottish heritage competitions such as Highland dance, music and heavy athletics.
This website offers an introduction to Clan Ross activities. With membership comes access to more resources on the website; participation in growing the organization, assistance in exploring your ancestor's history and opportunities to learn about the shared heritage that makes us special.